Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Virtual Overload, Screen Time Over

Virtual Overload, Screen Time Over

If you are searching for the virtual links go down to the bottom of this page and click on "Older Posts"  
or go to the right side and click on the label "coronavirus"

Okay now for all the non-virtual things. There are a lot of choice boards on here. **My suggestion is starting with one board at a time and marking off the activity as you go.

Neighborhood Cheer

My friend Mrs. Arnold sent this, her neighborhood is cheering each other with a Chalk Walk!

Our neighborhood is participating in this one. We have our three rainbows up, hoping to spread cheer when they walk by! 🌈🌈🌈

"Rolling Field Trips"

We are still able to drive around and about so I loaded up the Wirthkateers and my mom "Nanny Pants" and we drove to the countryside with our windows up. It was a way to look at the land, animals, and to see anything besides the walls in our house! 

Scavenger Hunts

My favorites start simply with Scavenger Hunts, although my Wirthkateers have a horrible time putting things back where they go. 😲

Our friends at Buggy and Buddy have printable scavenger hunts too! (click the pic) 

Indoor Activities 

(Click the pic)

  • Do a puzzle OR make your own by drawing a picture and cutting it up (works best on posterboard or cardstock)

Games to Play
Do your kiddos like Legos? (click the pic) 

  • The Floor is Hot Lava-use pillows/blankets etc. to avoid stepping on the floor
  • Build a Fort

Kitchen Ideas 
(from Denver Post)
  • Place a whole egg in a clear glass filled with vinegar. At each morning meal, make observations about its deterioration and what they see or don’t see.
  • Dissect apples, pears, kiwis, bananas, and strawberries and discuss the different parts of the fruit, then serve the victims for lunch.
  • Make a cake and play with food coloring in the batter and frosting.
  • String cereal to practice math, and if you have Jell-O, make rainbow layers and turn it into a whole science talk on prisms, water, and light refraction.

Physical Activities

I Dough Love You! (Our kiddos love sensory play)

Coloring Activities

Scroll towards the middle of this page and find a ton of Disney character sheets. Even better they are categorized, a Type A person's dream 😀
Download a free E-book all about horses 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Alex is addicted to Uno right now. It helps teach him that sometimes to get ahead you gotta screw some people over!
