Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Cheer

It's Winter Break Y'all!

As I ended my day with a fantastic day group of Instructional Coaches I reflected back of all the changes I have had since August. I started a new job and new position, we welcomed Baby R3 into our family as well as a new furry, kitty baby. R1 started first grade at a new school while R2 was taken back to her original nursery school. My time was up with R3 and she joined the same nursery school. I hit my new job like my hair was on fire. We had to buy a new car to accommodate all the little Wirths. We thought we might need just a little more change and currently perusing the idea of moving. (We'll keep you posted) Whew! 

As I celebrate this break I feel abundantly overwhelmed, seriously behind and majorly exhausted BUT truly, truly BLESSED for all the people and things I have in my life. Now as we all try and get some rest during this break and I try and keep the last bit of sanity by moving these Elves on the Shelves (Sheesh!) let's all reflect back on the awesome craziness we call teaching! I think teachers are some of the best people I know! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

This my friends is the letter R2 is waking up to in the morning

"Go To" Christmas/Winter Break Movie  List:

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
2. White Christmas
3. Elf
4. A Christmas Story
5. Home Alone
Image result for elf meme
Image result for christmas story memeImage result for white christmas sisters

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! 

Today our summer is "offically" over although in Oklahoma, summer is truly over in the beginning of August for educators and mid-August for the kiddos but we will play along with the rest of the nation. So how did we end our summer? We welcomed our new baby "R3" she is truly fantastical. We adopted out all our kittens to some wonderful families, playdates with little friends and grown friends and then everyone started back to school...except for me and R3! I love teaching and being an educator but right now being a mommy is fabulous!

So knowing that I love being a mommy first I can't sit around or is it I can't say "No". Either way I have been working on some new items. One item was something that went unfinished for a couple of years....PLACE VALUE. It was usable but it wasn't "sparkly". A fellow teacher in the district emailed me for it and of course I had to make it better before giving it out to use. In HONOR of LABOR DAY THIS LITTLE BABY is on SALE 20% off! Head over to my TPT store and pick it up! (note: no actual babies are for sale! LOL!)